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The Definitive Guide To Narrowing Types Using Type Guards

TheType guards in TypeScript are like a well-trained guard dog—they protect your code by ensuring variables are the types you expect before you use them. But as your codebase grows, maintaining and updating type guards can become a challenge.

How do you keep your type guards scalable and maintainable? What happens when your data models evolve? In this article, we'll dive into best practices for managing type guards in TypeScript, ensuring they remain reliable and easy to update as your project scales.

Why Type Guards Matter


Consider a scenario where we have a function that takes a pet as an argument. The pet could be a dog, a cat, or a bird, and we want to handle them differently.

interface Dog {
type: "dog";
bark: () => void;
interface Cat {
type: "cat";
meow: () => void;
interface Bird {
type: "bird";
fly: () => void;
function interactWithPet(pet: Dog | Cat | Bird) {
pet.bark(); // ERROR: Property 'bark' does not exist on type 'Cat | Bird'.

Of course we know birds and cats don’t bark (yet) in this case; TypeScript throws an error because bark() is not available on Cat or Bird. How can we prevent this kind of confusion? This is where Type Guards come in to ensure type safety.

What Are Type Guards?


A type guard is a function or expression that refines a value to a more specific type. TypeScript uses these guards to ensure that operations on a variable are safe.

Basic Type Guard

type Dog = { breed: string; bark: () => void };
type Cat = { breed: string; meow: () => void };
function isDog(pet: Dog | Cat): pet is Dog {
return (pet as Dog).bark !== undefined;
const pet: Dog | Cat = { breed: "Labrador", bark: () => console.log("Woof!") };
if (isDog(pet)) {
pet.bark(); // TypeScript knows pet is a Dog here

Here, isDog ensures that pet is a Dog before calling bark(). This is a great way to ensure that if the pet is a dog we can ask it to bark. This is all well in good but lets explore some more ways we can type guard based on data types.

The typeof Guard


The typeof operator is useful for distinguishing primitive types like strings, numbers, and booleans.

function formatInput(input: string | number) {
if (typeof input === "string") {
return input.toUpperCase();
} else {
return input.toFixed(2);
console.log(formatInput("hello")); // "HELLO"
console.log(formatInput(3.14159)); // "3.14"

The instanceof Guard


The instanceof operator is useful when working with classes.

class Dog {
bark() {
class Cat {
meow() {
function makeSound(animal: Dog | Cat) {
if (animal instanceof Dog) {
} else {
makeSound(new Dog()); // "Woof!"
makeSound(new Cat()); // "Meow!"

The in Operator Guard


The in operator checks if an object contains a specific property.

type Dog = { bark: () => void };
type Cat = { meow: () => void };
function makeNoise(animal: Dog | Cat) {
if ("bark" in animal) {
} else {

Custom Type Predicates With The is Keyword


A more structured way to write type guards is using custom type predicates with the is keyword. The is keyword is used to define a custom type predicate in a function. This function acts as a type guard, allowing TypeScript to narrow down the type of a variable inside a conditional check.

function isDog(value: unknown): value is Dog {
return (
typeof value === "object" &&
value !== null &&
"name" in value &&
"breed" in value &&
typeof (value as Dog).name === "string" &&
typeof (value as Dog).breed === "string"
const pet: unknown = { name: "Buddy", breed: "Golden Retriever" };
if (isDog(pet)) {
console.log(`${} is a ${pet.breed}.`); // ✅ Safe access
} else {
console.log("Not a valid dog object.");

Discriminated Unions Are Best Practice


A discriminated union uses a common literal property to differentiate between types. This is often the best approach when designing TypeScript types.

type Dog = { type: "dog"; bark: () => void };
type Cat = { type: "cat"; meow: () => void };
function makeNoise(animal: Dog | Cat) {
switch (animal.type) {
case "dog":
case "cat":

Best Practices For Maintaining Type Guards


Keep Them In A Centralised Place

Instead of scattering type guards throughout your codebase, centralise them in a single file for example typeGuards.ts

// typeGuards.ts
export function isDog(pet: any): pet is Dog {
return pet && typeof pet.bark === "function";
export function isCat(pet: any): pet is Cat {
return pet && typeof pet.meow === "function";

Now, any part of your code that needs a type guard can import it from typeGuards.ts.

Automate Type Guard Updates With Generics

If your project frequently introduces new types, you can use generics to create reusable type guards.

function hasProperty<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K): obj is T {
return key in obj;
const pet = { breed: "Labrador", bark: () => console.log("Woof!") };
if (hasProperty(pet, "bark")) {
pet.bark(); // Safe to call

This method keeps type guards flexible and easy to maintain.



Type Guards in TypeScript provide a safe and effective way to distinguish between different types. Whether you're using typeof, instanceof, in operator, custom type guards, or discriminated unions, they all help ensure type safety and avoid runtime errors. To understand the best case for your situation you can reference this handy table.

Type Guard MethodBest Used For
typeofPrimitive types (string, number, boolean)
instanceofClass-based objects
in operatorChecking object properties
Custom is Type GuardMore complex type differentiation
Discriminated UnionsClean and scalable type checking

By leveraging these techniques, you can create robust TypeScript applications that handle multiple pet types seamlessly.

Halpy coding,


Quiz Time


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1) What is the main purpose of a type guard in TypeScript?
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About the author

Danny Engineering

A software engineer with a strong belief in human-centric design and driven by a deep empathy for users. Combining the latest technology with human values to build a better, more connected world.


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