Platform for a Sustianability movement

Scale Down Challenge

A initiative to encourage people to be aware of how their small actions can have a large effect on the wellfare of the planet through a series of fun and engaging challenges. Compromised of hardware and software components, this is still most one of the fun projects I've been a part of!

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Scale down your impact on the earth, it's fun!

We created a huge interactive scale which could be transported around the Netherlands to be used as a centerpiece for an exhibition to engage the public.

Users were prompted to select and complete a challenge from the board. In exchange they would they would receive a receipt which acted as proponent to use on the website.

Scale Down Challenge

Education is key in creating a sustainable future.

There was alot of fun designing the challenges and figuring a flow that encouraged users to sign up to the web component of the experience.
Our challenge was to keep the excitment from the experience and translate it into something that would be presesnt with the person contiunally.

Scale Down Challenge

An independent attitude towards global issues.

The scale was taken into schools and public areas to engage interest with worskhops promoting sustainable choices.

Encouraging people to play around with their habits and choices concerning food, energy, waste and water – while having fun and creating a healthier planet.

Scale Down Challenge

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