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Mastering Symbols and Symbol Properties In Javascript



If you've ever worked with JavaScript, you've probably encountered data types like strings, numbers, objects, and arrays. But did you know there’s another, more mysterious primitive type called Symbols? They’re not as widely discussed as other data types, but mastering Symbols can give you new powers in JavaScript—especially when working on large codebases or creating libraries where you need to avoid name collisions.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into Symbols, understand their use cases, and explore how they differ from other data types. We’ll also touch on symbol properties, their unique behavior, and how they help with creating more flexible, robust JavaScript applications.

What Are Symbols?


A Symbol is a primitive data type introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015). It is a unique, immutable value that is primarily used to create unique object keys. What makes Symbols stand out is that, even if two symbols have the same description, they are always unique.

Here's a simple example:

const symbol1 = Symbol('description');
const symbol2 = Symbol('description');
console.log(symbol1 === symbol2); // false

Despite both symbol1 and symbol2 having the same description ('description'), they are completely different values. This uniqueness makes Symbols incredibly useful for defining keys in objects, especially when you want to avoid accidental key collisions.

Why Use Symbols?

Symbols offer two primary benefits:

  1. Uniqueness: As we’ve seen, no two symbols are the same, even if they share a description. This ensures that when you define properties on objects using Symbols, they won’t conflict with other properties.
  2. Non-enumerable: By default, Symbol properties are not included in normal object property enumerations (such as loops or Object.keys()), providing a layer of protection for these properties.

Using Symbols as Object Keys


Let’s start by seeing how Symbols can be used as object keys. In JavaScript, most object keys are strings, but Symbols allow you to create object properties that are unique and hidden from loops like

const animal = {
name: 'Dog'
const species = Symbol('species');
animal[species] = 'Canine';
console.log(; // 'Dog'
console.log(animal[species]); // 'Canine'

In this example, the species Symbol is used as a key in the animal object. If you inspect the object, you'll see only the name property:

console.log(Object.keys(animal)); // ['name']

Notice that species does not show up because Symbols are non-enumerable by default. This means, Object.keys(), and similar methods will not pick up Symbol properties unless explicitly asked for with methods like Object.getOwnPropertySymbols():

console.log(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(animal)); // [ Symbol(species) ]

Global Symbols: Symbol.for() and Symbol.keyFor()


Symbols created with the Symbol() function are unique and cannot be referenced elsewhere in your code. However, there are times when you need to use the same Symbol across different parts of your codebase. That’s where global Symbols come into play.

JavaScript provides the Symbol.for() method to create and access global symbols. If a Symbol with a given key already exists, Symbol.for() returns that existing Symbol. Otherwise, it creates a new one.

const globalSymbol1 = Symbol.for('global');
const globalSymbol2 = Symbol.for('global');
console.log(globalSymbol1 === globalSymbol2); // true

Here, globalSymbol1 and globalSymbol2 are the same Symbol because they both refer to the same global key ('global'). To retrieve the key of a global Symbol, you can use Symbol.keyFor():

console.log(Symbol.keyFor(globalSymbol1)); // 'global'

Built-In Well-Known Symbols


JavaScript includes several well-known Symbols that are used to customize how certain behaviors of objects work. These well-known Symbols are predefined by the language and can be used to modify object behaviors like iteration, string conversion, and more.

Some of the most common well-known Symbols include:

  • Symbol.iterator: Used to define the default iterator for an object, allowing you to customize how an object behaves in for...of loops.
  • Symbol.toStringTag: Controls the default string description of an object (as returned by Object.prototype.toString()).

Let’s look at an example of using Symbol.iterator:

const dog = {
name: 'Rex',
age: 5,
[Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
yield this.age;
for (const prop of dog) {
console.log(prop); // 'Rex', 5

In this case, by adding a custom iterator using Symbol.iterator, we can control how our dog object behaves in for...of loops. Without this symbol, dog would not be iterable.

Symbols in Real Projects


Now, let’s consider a practical use case for Symbols: a plugin system for a JavaScript library. Let’s say we are building a library where developers can attach plugins. We don’t want the plugin properties to interfere with core functionality, so we use Symbols to keep plugin-specific keys hidden and unique.

const PLUGIN_KEY = Symbol('plugin');
function attachPlugin(libObject, plugin) {
libObject[PLUGIN_KEY] = plugin;
function getPlugin(libObject) {
return libObject[PLUGIN_KEY];
// Example usage:
const myLibrary = { name: 'AwesomeLib' };
const myPlugin = { name: 'SuperPlugin' };
attachPlugin(myLibrary, myPlugin);
console.log(; // 'AwesomeLib'
console.log(getPlugin(myLibrary)); // { name: 'SuperPlugin' }

In this example, we use a Symbol to store the plugin in myLibrary, ensuring that it won’t accidentally conflict with any other properties in the library.



In this article, we’ve explored the mysterious and powerful Symbols in JavaScript. We’ve seen how they can help create unique, hidden object keys and avoid property collisions—perfect for scenarios where you need to manage complex systems or libraries. Additionally, we touched on global Symbols and well-known Symbols, showing their importance in customising object behaviours.

  • Symbols are unique and immutable, perfect for creating object keys that won’t clash.
  • They are non-enumerable, keeping them hidden from common operations like
  • You can use global Symbols when you need to reference the same Symbol across different parts of your code.
  • Well-known Symbols allow you to customize object behaviors like iteration and string conversion.

With these tools at your disposal, you can create more robust, flexible JavaScript applications. Keep exploring Symbols, and you’ll find new ways to make your code more maintainable and less prone to conflicts.

Further Reading

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1) What is the primary benefit of using Symbols as object keys in JavaScript?
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About the author

Danny Engineering

A software engineer with a strong belief in human-centric design and driven by a deep empathy for users. Combining the latest technology with human values to build a better, more connected world.


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